Thursday, July 20, 2017

Riverbank State Park Smells Like Poop

Photo by Lv U New York
28 acres developed over the New York City Sewage Treatment Plant on the Hudson River which has been visited by 4 million people since it opened in 1999. The Address is 679 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10031

Photo by Lv U New York
Riverbank State Park houses a skating Rink, two pools, an Amphitheater, Garden plots, playing fields and a giant sewage plant that processes millions of Manhattanites wastewater before it goes into the Hudson river.

So, how did this plant came about? At first in the early 1960s during the development of Lincoln Center. There were plans to develop the wastewater treatment plant between 70th and 72nd street on the Hudson river. They decided not to because:

  1. Double-Deck was needed
  2. It would be too expensive to build the plant
  3. It would interfere with the City plans for the areas New housing projects, cruise ship terminal and the then envision Lincoln Center of the Arts creation.

Therefore in 1965, NYC raw sewage from the west side of Manhattan was going directly into the Hudson River polluting the air, and water quality. Hundred of thousand of people living on the west side of Manhattan became aware of the unsanitary environment issues and demanded new laws for environmental standards.

Photo by Lv U New York
Now, Martha Stewart the perfectionist who now has a place in The Heights ( Washington Heights or Upper West Side) right across from Riverbank State PK  is complaining about the smell of millions of people's poop. I went to the Riverbank State Park and it did smell like horse poop, but I was inside the park. I guess the Environmental Agency has its work cut for them!  

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